In this episode of our MVP coffee party Hans and Raphael talk with Sara and Marco from Brazil. These two MVPs Sara (Office Servers and Services) and Marco (Data Platform) moved two months ago from Brazil to Berlin, Germany. At first we speak about Sara and Marco´s way to Germany and their first steps. Moreover we talk about the differences in culture, language and IT/digitalisation of Brazil and Germany.

At the end we also speak about Windows S, the Surface Laptop and the EDU Strategy.

So have a lot of fun with our new episode:

some data: Brazil vs Germany

Brazil Germany
Population 206 Mio 81 Mio
Land Line Phones 44 Mio 47 Mio
Mobile Phones 281 Mio 100 Mio
Internet User 108 Mio 71 Mio

your MVP coffee party team

Hans, Raphael

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